Enjoy latest trailers on your Apple TV. The
app will automatically find up-to-date content
Navigate easily
Navigate between popular, recently released and
upcoming movies & shows. Discover artists filmography and find similar content.
Discover newly released or top rated movies and shows.
Browse per decades, genres and television networks channels
Search anything
Look for movies, TV shows, actors, writers, and directors, and find out what they have worked on
Keep track
Manage viewed show episodes and save wishes to a
watchlist. Connect the app to Trakt.tv to save your watchlist and viewed collections in
the cloud
Full HD
Movies & TV Shows
Multi language
Many ways to discover new movies & shows
Find out what's trending right now
Discover the next releases
Top Rated
The very best according to the community
Browse per decades, genres and networks channels
Browse among movies & tv shows of any
actors, directors or writers
Find both movies & shows
Manual search
Keep track
Manage viewed show episodes and save wishes
to a watchlist
Add to your
Add any movie or TV show to this special list that is
quickly accessible
Mark as viewed
Mark movies as watched and keep track of where you are
on a TV show
Synchronize with
Trakt.tv is an online free service to automatically
track what you have watched. Connect the app to Trakt to save your watchlist and viewed
collections for years